Author name: Gestor

The red planet

The red planet, Mars, has been known to humans since ancient times. It has been the subject of dozens of space missions and will hopefully soon become the first planet on which astronauts will land. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Mars and answer the most common questions […]

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Neptune planète bleue

Neptune planète bleue : bleue, lointaine et venteuse Neptune est la planète bleue la plus éloignée des géantes gazeuses et la première à avoir été découverte grâce à des prédictions mathématiques. La huitième planète du système solaire doit son nom au dieu romain Neptune, seigneur des eaux. Son équivalent dans la mythologie grecque est Poséidon.

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All about Mercury Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system. Simply put, it’s a little bigger than Earth’s Moon. It is the closest planet to the Sun, but it is not really the warmest. Venus is the warmest. Along with Venus, Earth and Mars, it is one of the rocky planets. It has

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Jupiter General Jupiter Data Equatorial diameter: 142,984 km Surface: 6,14×10 10 km 2 Mass: 1.899×10 27 kg Distance from the Sun: 778,330,000 km Natural satellites: it is estimated to have between 60 and 70 known satellites. Four have been nicknamed Galilean Moons since they were discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei.Ganymede, Callisto, Io and Europa

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Jupiter General Jupiter Data Equatorial diameter: 142,984 km Surface: 6,14×10 10 km 2 Mass: 1.899×10 27 kg Distance from the Sun: 778,330,000 km Natural satellites: it is estimated to have between 60 and 70 known satellites. Four have been nicknamed Galilean Moons since they were discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei.Ganymede, Callisto, Io and Europa

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Jupiter General facts about Jupiter Equatorial diameter: 142,984 km Surface: 6.14×10 10 km 2 Mass: 1.899×10 27 kg Distance from Sun: 778,330,000 km Natural satellites: estimated to have between 60 and 70 known satellites, four of which have been dubbed “Galilean moons” since their discovery in 1610 by Galileo Galilei: Ganymede, Callisto, Io and Europa.

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Extraterrestrial life

When will we be able to announce the discovery of extraterrestrial life? When can we announce the discovery of extraterrestrial life? Every so often the discovery of extraterrestrial life is reported only to be forgotten shortly thereafter. Scientific scrutiny in these cases is fierce, but it needs to be, especially when it comes to intelligent

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Cosmic Object

Cosmic object Never-before-seen cosmic object found sending out radio waves every 18 minutes Located 4,000 light-years away, it is smaller than the Sun but becomes one of the brightest spots in the sky. Astronomers believe it’s a type of magnetar that had been predicted theoretically Recreation of what the object would look like if it

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Advances in supercomputing Dot CSV explains in #somosFuturo the incredible applications of supercomputers to push the boundaries in areas such as creating new drugs and understanding the universe. THE COUNTRY 10 JAN 2022 – 18:03 CET #SomosFuturo is a project to inspire young people to be the protagonists of the future. We want to boost

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